Tropical evergreen forest||What is tropical evergreen forest.
Friends, today's topic is tropical evergreen forest and what is tropical evergreen forest today through this article we are going to know what is tropical evergreen forest and we will try to understand it in full detail, so let's start this article.
Tropical evergreen forest |
Introduction of tropical evergreen forest.
Tropical evergreen forests in India are usually found in areas with rainfall exceeding 200 cm and at a temperature of 15- 30 °C they occupy about 7% parts of the earth's surface.
They are mostly found near the equator. They have a sparse underground with a clearing. They have a rare presence of litter organic matter that settles on the ground. These forests are dense and layered. They give shelter to a wide variety of plants and animals.
Forest is an important part of the environment and these trees are an important component of forest biology and ecosystem which help in promoting life in the ecosystem thereby harmonizing the life of plants and animals and with each other. live in peace.
What is tropical evergreen forest.
An tropical evergreen forest is a forest that consists mainly of trees, which maintain the foliage throughout the entire year and we also know them as tropical rainforest.
Generally found in the equatorial region between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, these forests experience high temperatures and heavy rainfall, averaging over 200 cm per year. These forests are dense and layered. The trees are evergreen as there is no period of dry season and hence they do not have a particular season of falling foliage.
characteristics of tropical evergreen forests:-
- Rainfall :- found in areas with heavy rainfall areas having more than 200cm of rainfall.
- Heights of trees :- The trees reach a great height of about 60 meters and are even taller and densely vegetated (the trees' shrubs and vines give a multilayered structure).
- Leave shedding time period :- There is no fixed time for the fall of the leaves of the trees, it is very rare that the leaves of the trees fall because it remains green throughout the year.
- Animals :- Monkey, lemur, elephant, deer, one horned rhinoceros and bats, plenty of birds, sloth, scorpions, snails, snake, etc. It means to say that the animal which can live in such environment is found here.
- Some of trees include :- hardwood, mahogany, Rosewood, rubber and chinhona,etc.
Which part of India is where tropical evergreen forest is found?
Western slope of the Western Ghat, Kerala, Karnataka, Assam, Meghalaya Hills of Northern region and Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
[FAQ] about tropical evergreen forest.
Q1. What is the another name of tropical evergreen forest?
Ans. Let me tell you that the tropical evergreen forests are also known as rain forests because they receive more than 200 cm of rainfall per year. That's why they are also called rain forests.
Q2. Which is the largest evergreen forest in the India?
Ans. The largest evergreen forest in the India is Andaman and Nicobar Western Ghats.
Q3. Tropical evergreens occupy how much of the earth's surface?
Ans. Tropical evergreen forest occupy about 7% parts of the Earth's surface.
[ Conclusion ]
I hope you have liked this article of my tropical evergreen forest and what is tropical evergreen forest. After reading this, you can easily explain it to anyone. It has always been my endeavor to provide the readers with complete information about the tropical evergreen forest in the easiest language possible so that there is no obstacle in understanding the people. If you know more than this or you have any problem. If so, feel free to massage in our comment box, our team will definitely try to reply to your message.